Hi! 👋

I'm Simon! I'm employed as a developer and consultant for Magello, and I've been programming for close to a decade now. Currently, I'm interested in the functional compile-to-javascript languages that have sprung up the last couple of years.

Recently, I also got myself a drawing tablet, and I'm learning how to make digital art.

This website is a space for me to collect my thoughts and projects.




Picture of me


January 2020


I've been interested in trying out PureScript for a while now, and during the Christmas break I finally got around to it. I made a fairly simple puzzle game, similar to nonograms.


The Swedish state has hired you to chart the archipelago. You contracted people to scout out all the islands, but they took off with the money leaving you with only loose clues as to where the islands are. Maybe you can somehow use these hints to finalize the sea charts?

Game PureScript Open source
Play live Repository Image
Screenshot of SkÀrgÄrden

Liten tuva

June 2023


I have been wanting to do Swedish educational material for a while. What I want to make here is a podcast, where each episode is a Swedish pro-verb or expression that I explain.

The first episode is about the expression SmÄ grytor har ocksÄ öron. You can listen to the episodes below, and also read the transcripts.

The RSS feed can be found at https://feeds.acast.com/public/shows/liten-tuva.

Podcast Swedish Educational
RSS feed Spotify Transcript Icon

Franska pensionsreformen

June 2023


At Magello, employees regularly do presentations about various things for the purpose of knowledge sharing. Typically, the presentations are technical in nature since it's a IT consultant firm, but the content can really be anything.

I lived in France during the pension reform of 2023, and witnessed the protests that it caused. My experience was that people in Sweden had a skewed understanding of why people were protesting, so I chose to do this presentation on the topic. There are subtitles in Swedish for those who need.


Presentation Swedish Educational


February 2024


Sometimes you want to keep track of time in various intervals, without having to look at a timer. For me it was during stretching and some exercises, where I wanted a signal e.g. every 30 seconds in order to switch sides. I also wanted it to work together with podcasts.

So I made an app. It's called Horloge, after one of the French words for clock, and it's available on Google Play. You can customize it quite a lot, and no user data leaves your device.

The sounds are from Freesound, the app icon I made myself, and the feature graphic was computer-generated over at Deep AI. and the code is available on GitHub.

Android Kotlin
Google Play Repository Icon Feature graphic
Horloge icon

Bike trip

May 2024


In summer 2023 we went on a bike trip from Nantes to Lannion. Much of the time we followed various canals, and along the way were several sluices. Next to the sluices were often a house for the sluice operator.

I took a photo of one of these houses, and later drew a watercolor image from the photo.

Ink Watercolor Reference
Full image Sketch Reference
A watercolor painting of a sluice house


April 2024


I've been looking into watercolor lately, and I bought myself a kit. The plan is to do ink sketches and color them with watercolor. The first image a drew was the house we stayed at in Castillonnes summer 2023.

If your interested in doing the same, I highly recommend making a reference sheet with all the colors.

Ink Watercolor Reference
Full image Sketch Reference
A watercolor painting of a house in Castillonnes


March 2024


My and my girlfriend went on an atelier to create stamps, guided by the artist Sylvie Maillard at Atelier Moëli. The atelier lasted for roughly three hours, and we each created our own stamp carved from linoleum mounted on a wood block.

First we designed our pattern, then we carved our stamps in linoleum using various chisels, and finally wepainted our stamps and printed the pattern on paper using a massive press. I made the orange cables, my girlfriend made the green vines. We made sure to design our patterns so that they would work together.

Hand craft Atelier
Imprint Stamps Stamps from above


July 2023


An ink drawing of the pavilion in Vitabergsparken in Stockholm. It's drawn from a reference photograph that I printed out and brought with me on a camping trip summer 2023. I used an ink pen for the sketch, and ink markers for the shading.

Ink drawing Landscape Reference
Full image Sketch Reference
An ink drawing a pavilion


June 2023


I made an ink drawing of the veranda on the back of my family's house. It's drawn in situ with a ballpoint pen, and coloured from reference with ink markers.

Ink drawing Landscape In situ
Full image Sketch Photograph
An ink drawing a veranda


June 2023


In the garden of my family's house, there is a smaller house. It's likely meant for kids. I drew it in ink on paper using a regular ballpoint pen, and colouring with ink markers. It's drawn in situ, but coloured from reference.

I was inspired by the YouTube channel Stephen Travers Art.

Ink drawing Landscape In situ
Full image Sketch Photograph
An ink drawing of the play house in my family's garden


May 2023


My family harvested apples from the tree in their garden, and made it into cider. I drew this image to go on the label on the bottles. It figures the apple tree and our family house. For reference i used this photograph.

Digital painting Landscape Printed
Full image Label image
A painting of the apple tree in front of our family house


January 2023


I wanted to draw something using just colour, no contouring. This is a mallard duck, I believe it's the most common duck in my hometown. I've almost exclusively used the Wet Bristles Rough brush in Krita.

Digital painting Animal
Full image
A painting of a mallard duck


December 2022


I wanted to draw a pastry. This is a croissant.

Digital painting Pastry
Full image
A painting of a pastry


October 2022


Me and my girlfriend did a paint-along to this youtube video.

Digital painting Animal
Full image
A painting of a frog


October 2022


I decided to do another vegetable, if mushrooms count as vegetables. You're not supposed to eat these ones.

Digital painting Mushroom
Full image
A painting of a mushroom

VĂ„tt och torrt

July 2022


Early 2022 I got myself a drawing tablet. This is first large piece I drew, and the first piece I ordered as a print. There are a few words in Swedish that describe how wet or dry something is, this painting is an infographic ranging the words from the wettest on the left to the driest on the right.

Digital painting Infographic
Full image
The painting 'VĂ„tt och torrt'


May 2022


I would like to be good at drawing people, but I haven't been able to get through a complete portrait. It's simply too difficult. Instead, I drew something simpler: just an ear.

I used this photograph for reference.

Digital painting Study
Full image Reference image
The painting 'VĂ„tt och torrt'


April 2022


The second image I painted. Like the pumpkin, I googled a bunch of fennels that I used for reference.

Digital painting Fruits and vegetables
Full image
A sketch of a fennel


April 2022


The first image I painted. I googled a bunch of pumpkins that I used for reference, I don't have a single reference.

Digital painting Fruits and vegetables
Full image
A sketch of a pumpkin